Introducing: On The Rocks

Hello and welcome,

With this first blog, we would like to introduce you to the On The Rocks story! We are On The Rocks and we make paper products from.. rocks!

Yes, really! Suprised? Don’t be. Rock happens to be a very good alternative for paper and with a growing paper industry and a world that falls victim to it, it is time to make a change. With On The Rocks we provide that change and we want to share, make you a part of this new ideal, this amazing opportunity.

You see, we don’t just make paper from rocks and sit around waiting and hoping that people will use it.. We turned it into something amazing: sustainable stationery. Think your favourite notebook, with the softest paper, paper you can just whipe your liquids from and that doesn’t catch fire. Welcome to the world of On The Rocks!

To make people a part of the change, to give everyone a chance to join, we will start our Kickstarter-campaign mid-October. Want to be up-to-date? Just subscribe to the newsletter (see the sidebar) or join us on Facebook!